Todd & Lisa Sheppard

This Winter, Don’t Invite a Mouse into Your House. Pest-Proof Your Property.

Perhaps the only thing worse than the flying pests of summer — houseflies, wasps, and gnats, to name a few — are the crawling bugs and filthy rodents that look for shelter indoors during winter.

With another six weeks of wintry weather ahead (who are we to contradict a groundhog?), it’s a good idea to make sure you don’t have any unwanted guests in your home.

Rodents are known to carry diseases such as salmonella and hantavirus; squirrels can chew through wiring and wood boards; certain spiders can bite, causing serious side effects; and cockroaches, besides being unsanitary and just plain gross, can trigger asthma and allergies.

Frequent cleaning — wiping all kitchen surfaces, sweeping floors, vacuuming carpets and rugs, and picking up stray crumbs of food — will make your home less inviting to winter pests, but it’s not enough.

The National Pest Management Association has several other tips to help keep your home free of nuisances: